Tuesday, 21 September 2010

In atonement for my sins

Dear Sisters and Acolytes,

I have been remiss of my pervitudely duties lately and need to beg the forgiveness from my fellow sisters and acolyte followers of this meagre attempt at communicating with the perving masses. Not only have I not put fingers to keyboard in weeks except in toil and twittering, I have been unfaithful to the Lord in the shape of a shirtless Bradley James (Prince Arthur) on the past two sabbath eves.

I have no excuses with which to temper my sinful behaviour, I have simply been idle in the times between bouts of toil in the land of *cut, cut and cut again* and have taken solace in the visions of a younger, blonder manchild. I trust when the Lord returns to the 40" altar next month, he will cleanse my soul and wash away all thoughts of such young, smooth flesh and I will be reborn into his glorious service. 

I will take such punishment as the Sisters deem fit for these sins and await my fate stoically and with some perverse excitement.

In the meantime, in the world of our Lord *praise be his name and Ten-inch* excitement is building for Single Father following a successful showing to the great and the good of our British goggle-box industry. Auntie Beeb is being curiously reticent about publicising this worthy work of our Lord. As yet, no trailers have been seen across the network, and an airdate has still to be confirmed. Let's hope that the full marketing machinery of the BBC is behind this drama and the Lord takes to plugging it at every available opportunity - breakfast tv, the one show, richard and judy...OK maybe not R&J!

Also sneaked out is a publicity shot for Peter Vincent in Fright Night. What a turn-up! Little did we know that Ghost of Christmas Present would indeed be a blueprint for a gothic magician vampire hunter! Little more needs to said about this ... fangirls must do what fangirls must do when presented with a picture like that!

I hope that I have made some small atonement for my sins of the past few weeks and await my cleansing by the Lord.


Addendum dated 23rd of this month of September

Sisters and Followers, it seems I have been depriving you all of visions of the Lord which have been released on the t'interweb. I understand that the need for these craven images is great in the sisterhood so sparsely has our Lord graced the lens of cameras recently. I am further informed that this very day the gracious souls of the BBC press office wilst release the first date whenst the Lord's creation Single Father will be let loose to fly over the airwaves and onto the 40" altars in our domestic living quarters. Such date will be revered and rejoiced upon by all in the Sisterhood and we must commence our plans for the Mass of Jubilation which will be performed on the eve of such a momentus event. In honour of this day, please feast your oculatory organs on the beauties below. Several of these I believe were lovingly constructed by a fellow devotee on a certain social networking site - may the TimeLord bless her and keep her Photoshop in pristine order.

Tennant x