Wednesday 19 March 2008

Oh my!

Sisters, get down on your knees and pray, for the (Time) Lord has come amongst us. May we give thanks at his bounty. (Can I have dark chocolate on mine?)

A sermon to the unbelievers will be broadcast to the nation on 4 April at 10.35pm. Jonathon Toss will be conducting perves, along with Mizz Tate, who will be serving at the altar. (Tighter trousers on the 10" please Catherine!).

A virgin will also be sacrificed. Hang on, there are no virgins on this blogg. Sisters, we need to canvas the public and see if someone will loan us their virginity... Why I am asking this I do not know as I have yet to witness any sort of virginal sacrifice on Jonathon Toss. Watch this space...

Go in peace and perve at the (Time) Lord.


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