Saturday, 21 March 2009

Yet more glorious sights unearthed...

Our Lord the 10" has certainly been a busy boy with The Deadender... new images have come to the surface of their jolly to Dubai. The Lad is looking particuarly thudworthy... with sunglasses as part of The Doctor's usual attire. This easter certainly looks to be a bloomer destroying one!



Anonymous said...

The 'Deadender' sure looks fit...such a body to tempt and tease the Lord 10"...alas,the Lord 10" still has a taste for the little blonde!I feel i may have to spend time at the 'gym' alter...

Sarah said...

*joins Carole at the gym altar...*

And don't worry too much, the Child might still be trying to follow the Lord like a puppy wherever he goes, but he recently sent her a very clear message by passionately snogging the Devilina right under her young nose... no doubt she'll get the message eventually : it's time fo real women !!!

Sebrina said...

Oh Sisters and fellow accolytes
I fear that we are deluding ourselves with this idea that our Lord will remove himself from the clutches of the child, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't make an announcement of impending doom for us (impending marriage for him). The signs are alas all there, he allows her to follow him around like a puppy, he rushes to and from Wales and London just to see her, and finally he hasn't dumped her despite her father using him as a method for getting publicity ... I fear the writing is on the wall!
Either that or in an attempt to make sure he doesn't stray she will announce an arrival date for a baby teninch.
Ok I have now thoroughly depressed myself and will go gaze at some of my Hamlet/LLL photos to make me feel better.

Sister Shagwell said...

Dearest Seb

What on all that is unholy and 10 inchable do you make these blasphemous remarks upon?????

Our Lord is the worlds best commitment-phobe. The child is merely a plaything until he gets bored and wanders towards the welcoming arms of a real WOMAN!

Fear not.

Tennant X

Sarah said...

Amen to that !! :)