Tuesday, 31 August 2010

The Lord walketh upon a carpeting of red

Sisters, Acolytes and Followers

As you all have discovered, our Lord *praise be his name and Ten-inch* did step out amongst the luvvies of Hollyweird at a little annual shindig called the Emmy's on Sunday eve.

Many fangirls were heard to utter a little *sigh* when seeing the Lord all clad in Gothic black with those pointy boots upon his size 11s. Discerning fangirls also muttered quietly about the lack of suitable seamstress in the locale of The Angels who could have taken a few centimetres from the sleeve and the trouser legs. Maybe we can forgive the tailoring - it must be difficult to concentrate when measuring the Lord's inside leg.

The moving images of the Lord wending his way along said carpet of red doth show that he is still a little uncertain of the american way of doing things. Whilst other males and females of the species, many clad in gaudy attire of reds, blues and silver did sway and swagger along, posing for the many watchers of such preening to capture their image in full High Definition megapixels, the Lord seemed more thoughtful and somewhat shy even. I wonder whether he felt himself to be a "bit of a fraud" having yet to land a success on the other side of the Pond. Your time will be upon us soon Oh Lord. Indeed, Single Father is already being heralded as a potential BAFTA winner next year and it has yet to be perused by the eyes of the great and the good let alone fed to the great unwashed of our shores!

So in closing, I give thanks  to our Lord for braving the awfulness that is an award ceremony and for giving us yet more gorgeous visions to adorn laptops, smartphones and other *ahem* paraphenalia. I believe there may be more to come (no pun intended) if the tweets from the wilds of New Mexico are to be believed!

Tennant x

Monday, 23 August 2010

The wait (sic) of expection

Sisters, Acolytes and followers,

News has reached us that the publicity machine for one of the Lord's great works is starting to swing into action. Tomorrow, the wondrous pamphlet the Radio Times (other listing magazines are available but i wouldn't bother) has printed the Lord's name on it's front cover to ensure that an additional 100,000 copies are bought by hormonal women who are gagging for news of the Lord *praise be his name and ten-inch* to break the drought since he disappeared from the 40" altar last New Year.

It seems Auntie Beeb is planning the Autumn Schedules and Single Father will be broadcast to the great unwashed sometime during the season, though naughty auntie is teasing us by not providing a date as yet. As we know the Lord is a media whore when it comes to publicising his new shows and I am wondering (in the absence of Wossy) where he might turn up... BBC Breakfast... GMTV... The One Show... Loose Women? No, not the last one I think, far too tempting for the ten-inch!

This expection is some small consolation for hearing that he has been replaced in Retreat, though I was never keen on that story. I do hope that this means that he has some new project lined up from September, otherwise I fear it will be back to School Runs and watching wannabe-mummy-in-law in panto with her toyboy husband. Oh Lordy!

And as the heavens open once more above the Isles that we call British, I wish all our followers a lovely Summer Bank Holiday (or whatever the equivalent may be around the globe).

Tennant x

Sunday, 1 August 2010

In celebration of David Tennant's Arse

In the downtime between the end of Decoy Bride and the commencement of Fright Night, I feel that the arse of our Lord *praise be his name and tenninch* is in need of some attention. (By arse I mean his physical attribute upon which he seats himself, not the small blonde thing which is often appended to his body). So here are some wondrous sights that have graced the 40" altar, or been allowed to roam free amongst us on the T'interweb. Behold the Lord and marvel at his features for He is the Power and Glory that leadeth us into temptation. Amen and Hallelujah!