Wednesday, 27 October 2010

the Lord works in mysterious panel game shows

 Dear Sisters,

The Lord left us bemused and confuddled on the night of last Monday with his rather bizarre appearance on what was billed in the most Holy Radio Times (other listing magazines are available) as a "comedy panel show". He was, as always, accompanied by a small blonde of the female persuasion - no not The Child on this occasion but by the very delectable Rita Simons (aka Roxy from Eastbenders).

The camera caught His eye turning to her assets on more than one occasion and he brazened it out by pretending to be intently listening to the crap being spouted about cocks crowing!

The comedy element of this show eluded me, seeming to rely mostly upon a welshman ranting, a giant trying to knock himself out, an australian with a false leg and a weird non-sleb trying to emulate the idiocy of Karl Pilkington. But enough about the non-show. The main event was the Adjudicator, in the person of our Lord David Tennant *praise be his name and Ten-inch*

David was given a little notebook and access to the wilds of the T'nterweb and throughout the show he speaketh from the Book of Web and showed clips from the Holy Visionary YouTubeth. At one point, he got to arm wrestle the idiot and of course lost, prompting fangirls around the globe to shout *wimp* *wimp* *wimp* in unison at the 40" altar.

Why you may ask have I chosen to blog about this rather insignificant little bbc programme when the main event this week was clearly The Lord getting nekkid and jumping into the sack with Suranne Jones on Single Father. Go on then..... ask why?

Oh alright, I'll tell you. The main reason this blog focuses on Ask Rhod Gilbert (who? you ask?) is because i have been unable to download all the Single Father pics - awwwwww. Also it is predicatable that I would blog about seeing the Lord's nipples and chest hair and the wee dimples in his back just above the waistband of his grey Primark boxers. And that once I had started to describe the tender way his lips met those of Suranne and his heavy breathing punctuated his gently thrusting hips, I would be unable to continue this bl.....

just in case we didnt know who he was!

Phoning up the Sisters for a menage a trois?

He looked a bit expert at undoing zips....


Anonymous said...

Love the blog. Heard your tweet on the radio sister.
What a shame the Lord seems to waste his time with silly (unfunny)shows. I think he just knows we need to look at him.
That hair , those freckles - phwoar.
Single father being naughty with Suranne - cant even think about how hot that was. Keep having flash backs or is that because I keep rewinding the remote?
Juliet x

Anonymous said...

The Lord's appearance on said comedy (really?) game show gave me pause to wonder if perhaps he should just shoot his agent and get it over with.

That being said, those dimples and the hair made tuning in (and muting the sound) well worth my time.

Phwoar, ya'll.

Acolyte Bobbi of the Lone Star

Anonymous said...

Indeed, I cannot fathom why our Dear Lord, all blessings to him and the teninch, should waste his wit and breath on such trivial material as provided in these alleged entertainments and talent-free beings. I love a laff as much as the next religieuse but that act presupposes something amusing hath transpired to make the muscles spasm and the air to be forced noisily from my body. But in truth I am so shallow and needy that I gloried in His sight, and when he didst leap upon the desk, so nimbly and with such intent, I didst have a bloomer-combusting event, I confess.
Acolyte Agatha, Paisley-on-Sea

Acolyte Mia said...

One of the few joys of being on the other side of the pond is when we hear of these instances where the Lord should have avoided appearing, we can truly ignore what was said (since we can't hear it) and feast on the visuals...and Sister, what a banquet you provided! Many thanks!

Anonymous said...

Well sisters yet again our Lord the media whore has been out there selling himself to the masses. Whilst he looked amazing today on the radio web cams, I cant help think where will it all end? and why did the child feel the need to attend? Was she hiding anything significant with her chunky coat or was she doing what she does so well just leading the fans on? Oh Lord you must get a grip

Acolyte McSkinny said...

I have heard that his tone changed when the Child appeared...gone was the fun and in with the dour...the Child did look rather larger in the bosom dept,then again,she did unbutton her upper garment to bear said bosom...this Acolyte nearly upheaved her breakfast gruel when Our Lord walked over and kissed her good morning...

Anonymous said...

What the betting that CO'C thought it would be amusing to invite the Child to the studio, without telling his friend and celebrity guest beforehand? That's exactly the sort of cringe-inducing idea that idiot would think was a Good Idea. CO'C's humour is wedged firmly in shardenfreude, imo, or however the word's spelled. Can't stand the man. She should have had enough sense to stay at home too, again imo.

Anonymous said...

The queue forms behind me, OK? to teach Our Lovely Lord [all hale him and the glorious teninch] about the birds and bees. I do verily swear to provide him with all the straight answers his questing heart desires. Oh yes.
Acolyte Agatha, Paisley-on-Sea

Anonymous said...

Very well, Acolyte Agatha. I shall take over and provide him of the American version of said instruction. Please be so kind as to not wear him completely out. Thank you.

Yee Haw!

Acolyte Bobbi of the Lone Star

Anonymous said...

hi sis. if you think back to when the child was in dr who she had big knockers then. ya see they they are air bags and deflate and inflate every now and then, her own tits are not big enough for the lord (praise be his name and ten ) so the child as to make them go bigger by pumping them up with a bike pump or get new sillicon inplants cos the others have worn out.. yes i indeed saw what the child did on the webcam, she did undo the buttons down to her bra and i found it very very annoying cos i did not want to see that. be4 she came on i was happy to hear his voice and watch on webcam, but when the child came in the fun was gone and david stopped trending, it was just not fun anymore.. me thinks that the child is to controling and knows it, the childs moto is ( i want i get ) i would like to say what i think of the child but as they are trolls who look at the sisters blog too i won,t, cos the trolls are not worth it. so if you are reading this troll ha. and ya know what troll the sisters rock and rule, while trolls like you can only drool..hehe

Anonymous said...

So tightly enclosed is my religious house that I cannae access any means to find mention at all of Our Wondrous Lord - the Possessor of the Noble Teninch - materialising in all his glory at Wossy Manor, to join the celebrationf of the festival of All Hallows Eve.

Did he not go, then? Did he instead have a night in, feet up in front of the tele, a lazy beer close at hand and a toasted baked bean sanger to stave off the munchies?

No, I won't believe it. It's unnatural. Need proof, need pics! :)

Acolyte Agatha, Paisley-on-Sea

Anonymous said...

Or he just avoided the paps. Not every celebrity guest who went to JR's party was papped. Highly feasible that the Lord managed to avoid them.

Anonymous said...

Tis tweated by a photographer that the Lord of Time [bless him and keep him] is doing a stint for Comic Relief - in Uganda! He's in Egypt at present, at a resort. Hope he makes the time to have a sleep!

Anonymous said...

He isn't in Egypt he is in Africa! He is home soon tho as someone I know says he is going to bonfire night with his family like last year. Long live da sisters x

Anonymous said...

I think they flew straight to Uganda, per what the photographer tweeted (and have been there for a few days already). The Nile flows through lots of countries including Uganda, not just Egypt.

Anonymous said...

Bonfire Night was last week though?

Sister Chastity said...

For the uninitiated, the evening traditionally that the english do celebrate with shiny exploding rockets is 5th November. This year many fellows (the sisters included) chose to have their celebratory party on the Saturday night for the sake of the kiddies.

The eve that we cheer the thwarted plot to reduce our great establishment of Westminster to rubble and blow our MPs (and Royalty) to Kingdom Come must not be confused with the previous week's shenanigans whereby we take to the streets and dress up our young ones as extras from Fright Night/True Blood demanding chocolate with menaces in the name of all that is unholy in the heavens.

Anyone want to explain this to passing aliens?

Anonymous said...

I believe the Reverend Sandy's birthday is somewhere around this time as well, is it not? Happy birthday, Dad!

Acolyte Bobbi of The Lone Star

Acolyte McSkinny said...

If memory serves me right,while listening to thy Lords' father sermon in church one Sunday,he mentioned that he spends his birthday with family in a hotel in the Oxford area.

Anonymous said...

[from Twitter]David's at Legally Blonde.
[Me] **Again??** Why,Lord, WHY???

Anonymous said...

The lord is at Legally Blonde tonight....

Anonymous said...

Supporting the girlfriends family is one thing Lord but you are now starting to worry me Legally Blonde again!!!. You are becoming a bit of a creep to the wannabe family. You are the star Lord not them
Please no more , and no more stupid quiz shows either. You are far too talented its getting rather sad

Babe on Wheels said...

I don't suppose this is news, now, but on the Lord's Twitter website it says that he's going to be reading a bedtime story ALL WEEK - for the grown ups, this time! It's the week beginning Monday 22nd November

I thought Book at Bedtime was supposed to be relaxing?? My bloodpressure will be dangerously high...

Acolyte McSkinny said...

Rumours may well hold substance concerning the Child bearing a child for our lord!

Babe on Wheels said...

Aww, that phone the Lord is holding in one of the Single Father pics looks enormous! He looks like a kid, or someone in a giant's house! :)