Thursday, 20 January 2011

Tipsy Tennant

Whilst perusing the many craven images of the Lord at the RT party yestereve, I stumbled across this one which appears to have been taken late on in the proceedings. I fear from the glassy look in his eyes and the red ears that the Lord may have imbibed one over the eight glasses of shampoo during the evening!

Nice to see him letting his (shorter) hair down with his mates, Phil "the Producer" Collinson, Steven "No I'm not her dad" Moffat and David "Actor, Director and all round good egg" Morrisey!

Tennant x


Acolyte McSkinny said...

Our Lord does look at his happiest when he's out on his own...

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly Acolyte McSkinny.
Thank god for this blog so we can at least get our thoughts of our chests.

Anonymous said...

He's getting plenty of opportunities to be out recently. Twitter photos confirm he's been recording Kafka the Musical this week, and posts on DT sites indicate he was at a Labour fundraiser on Wednesday and will be at the British Comedy Awards tomorrow.

Don't know why he's going to the awards since I can't imagine Single Father is getting any comedy nominations anytime soon but the important part is, the awards ceremony airs live on Channel 4! Usually a very boozy affair.

Anita said...

Saw a clip from this- the Lord had either visited the dentist and his mouth was numb for Novacaine OR he had been to the bar and had a very good visit with Mr. Al-Cohal :-0

Anonymous said...

So the Lord is flogging his lot again on his mates radio show. Is it me or is this getting rather boring .
I am inclined to wonder if the child has maybe pressed the Lord to do this or maybe his advisers following the farce of the last few weeks. I am thinking maybe he will be trying a different spin . First his dad was wheeled out and I wonder whether we will now get ' we have been trying blah blah blah thrilled blah blah blah'
Nothing at all will ever make me believe that it was planned by him but planned by her.
Of course he will give his usual shout out for the new stepson and dedicate a record .
If he is so keen to be private why go on such a stupid show with a blabber mouth.
Oh how I wish the Lord would ditch the celeb plebs (and the horrendous inlaws and wife to be )and hang out with his luvvie mates.

Anonymous said...

The Lord looked smutworthy as always this evening at the O2 arena, and as with his other nighttime outings earlier this week no sign of any little hanger on. I'm always surprised by how often he goes out without her. Probably claims he's popping out to pick up some milk.

The COC appearance may mean something or it may mean nothing. He co-hosts the show all the time when he is not working. COC might be a boor but he knows DT's limits and would never genuinely reveal anything private or do anything more than tease and DT is well able to handle that. Doubt he'll reverse his age old policy and start spilling about his private life, when throughout the entire pregnancy 'saga' he's been careful not to say a word himself and apart from one pap shot has avoided being seen with her, even at events EG Radio Times she usually accompanies him to.

Babe on Wheels said...

I guess she's just decided that standing around or even sitting around isn't much fun when preggers - and it is nice to see him off the lead a bit - even though it maybe a bit insensitive to get pissed if she can't - but I suppose he can't be expected to be 'dry' for the whole time (as I was roundly reminded on Twitter). Wonder if he got into grief when he got home (if he's there yet and hasn't crashed elsewhere!)

Cindy said...

I am interested to hear what goes on there this weekend. I hope he is unencumbered so he can be light and chatty and have a good time.

Sister Shagwell said...

Has the wee grumpling been eating the cushions - maybe it isn't a sproglet and just some ikea cushion

Anonymous said...

I can't stand CO'C's alleged humour. I find his interactions with DT more cringe-worthy than amusing and certainly never very articulate, much less illuminating, and his talents as a radio host are competely obscure to me. Nonetheless, here I am, in a benighted country far far away, doing laborious sums on my fingers and toes to work out the time difference between here and 9am GMT!
Go figure. David is *that* addictive, clearly.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. The Lord *really* doesn't intend to talk about his private life, not even to the extent of thanking CO'C for his congratulations on the engagement. I admit, this reticence is starting to interest me muchly. If I heard him correctly, DT merely said 'OK' in response to Christian's congratulating him and then reiterated his intention to say nothing more. Was GM there in the studio, does anyone know?

Acolyte Martha said...

No sign of the little smirking one on ye gramaphone this a.m. and what an uncomfortable reaction to Christian bringing up the engagement! For once Christian was not being unkind but merely offered a genuine congratulations. The Lord's reaction? A stone-faced 'okay' and refusal to speak more. His body language on red button spoke volumes.

No-one is expecting a Hello spread, but the engagement and pregnancy are world-wide news. A simple 'thank you' and then change the subject would surely be the norm even for one so private? I am more convinced that ever that this is not a happy event. So much that's hinky.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that what The Lord did seem eager about was the prospect of an intensive [his word] 5 week rehearsal period for 'Much Ado', commencing in April. Timing so interesting. Again, Hmmmmm from me too. I've got my fingers crossed for him but admit to being concerned.

Anonymous said...

He looked really excited and enthusiastic about Much Ado, about United, about his trip to Uganda, about maybe doing Comic Relief. There were only two times when he became visibly down and unexcited and stopped talking and one of them was the indeterminately long and boring football talk. Guess which the other one was.

Acolyte McSkinny said...

This Acolyte was abstaining from listening to the radio this morning but from what i can gather our Lord was unresposive in accepting gobby CO'C congrats.Is Our Lord really happy with the doo doo he's in? the Child having tantrums?
Going from living alone in a big house to having to live with someone a bit too much?
I know i would find it hard going.

Temperance said...

In my life, I've seen quite a few men getting "trapped" in a relationship by girls who innocently "forgot" to take their pill for... say... five or six months in a row...
And let me tell you, these guys have a certain look in their eyes whenever the "happy event" gets mentioned... and The Lord definitely has it...

Being the gentleman we all know and love, he just can't follow the steps of the Elf's biological father and run away as fast as he can... but something tells me he'd rather do exactly that if he could...

Let's hope he'll manage to save his carreer... The Shakespeare thing sure is a good sign !! I'll keep praying, Sisters !!

Unknown said...

Am I the only one who thinks this engagement will not last very long after the baby arrives? I definitely feel the engagement only occurred because of GM's pregnancy and while I used to think they were a happy couple (they most likely were for a while), the more I read/hear/see about them, the more it seems their relationship was going downhill; hence the accidental pregnancy (which we all know it was). DT's behavior since he has known of the baby's existence (flying out of the country, getting drunk at parties, finding events to keep him out of the house, etc.) does not point to an excited groom-to-be or daddy-to-be whatsoever, in my opinion. I just have this feeling that all is not right between the two, and I'm hoping the baby's arrival will be DT's wake-up call that one should never marry for a child/children; it only ends up hurting everyone involved. Does anyone else agree with me?

Add-on: I agree with everything that is being said about DT's reaction to CO'Cs congratulations. And I also wanted to point out how later in the program CO'C asked if DT was going to run off or if he could stay for the whole program, to which David responded, "I'm here throughout. I'm here all day! Who's doing the next show?" A bit eager to stay out of the house all day on his day off, isn't he??

Anonymous said...

Our Lord took the Child and bump out for din dins last night...i'm afraid to say this but please forgive me...our Lord looked pretty happy...usual grin from the Child.
Can't she wear anything other than that black coat(which is either a bit tight for her or too long in the sleeves),thick tights and mini skirt?
No ring on show,her hand was hidden under her coat sleeve.She may have been the designated driver for the night as it was tweeted that our Lord had been seen in a VW this her red jalopy that picked up our Lord from the theatre a couple of years back?...thought she would have sweet-talked her way into a getting our Lord to buy her a new one.

Helen said...

Yes, it was less than happy and gracious, wasn't it? Someone in cyberspace heard him say "thank you" but it wasn't me...

He did hurry it along somewhat. I don't blame him for wanting to keep his life private, as he always says, but when it's out there already...

Oh well.

I do fear for him, though, and as Temperance said, he's doing the gentlemanly thing - as we'd expect of him. I hope he doesn't suffer too much as a result.

Anonymous said...

Even if he looks happy whilst out with the Child, I don't think it is a true reflection of what is really going on. My ex-husband was the biggest jerk on the planet, & there were plenty of times we were out, laughing together & having a decent time. Didn't mean we were soul mates or destined to spend eternity together, nor did it mean that we were truly in love. I fear our Lord has been tricked by the oldest one in the book, and now, being the decent upstanding bloke he is... what choice does he have in the matter, but to make the best of things. I don't forsee this union lasting though... and if you look in his eyes, I mean really look close, even when he is with her & smiling, there is an emptiness there.
It saddens me. I really does.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you Shelby.

As for the damage alert outing to a known pap hangout. Like it's a coincidence they decided to travel into central London to a restaurant famous for being somewhere celebs only go to get papped the day after the PR disaster radio appearance. Believe me we are far from the only ones to be raising an eyebrow over how weird he has been acting since she got pregnant. They don't look particularly happy to me and it was obviously staged.

Helen said...

I'm so sad if it's true, landonlee. I worry about him, I really do.

Has anyone heard "With Love from Shakespeare"? It's a load of sonnets read by some fantastic actors, including DT, and ominously his mostly seem to be to do with leaving issue...

On a happier note, did anyone see DT being supremely silly, chasing kids around on location in Africa with a mozzy net on him, to advertise Red Nose Day? SO cute!

I now have my tshirts, including the one modelled by the Lord, with the bard sporting a nose of rosy hue (a nose would smell as sweet... - I'll fetch me coat!) and the poster with David in full Hamlet mode, complete with origami skull!

Diane said...

Fanboy marriages:Just saying
An avid Elvis fan, Cage is said to be the only person outside the immediate Presley family to have been allowed to see Elvis' bedroom at Graceland. He filed for divorce after 108 days of marriage, on November 25, 2002, just two days after the couple appeared looking happy together at the premiere of Adaptation.

Helen said...

Apropos of the Lad's diversionary antics, methinks the Lord is bored...

Helen said...

Oh I almost forgot - he also recorded another audio book - you can get a sample here:

I have to warn you that I found the subject matter very grim, but you may be made of sterner stuff.